8 tips to Beat Your đź¤śLaziness🤛

Have you ever felt like if you are more diligent than you were in the past, you will probably achieve something that makes you feel more satisfied? I know how it feels when you see everyone around you attain their goal one by one and you accomplish nothing. It is okay to blame rather than destroy yourself because whenever you know you are worthless at any point; you try to seek out a way to make you grow. The very first step which you need to execute is to beat your laziness.


Before jumping into the 8 tips, I just want to apprise you that the tips I am going to share with you are based on my own experience, books, and online articles. So, there might be unprofessional but it works in daily life. Here are the 8 tips that you can follow in order to overcome laziness.

  1. Write Down What You Need to Do Today:

when you get up from your lovely bed, just spare 5-10mns at your desk or wherever it is considered as your study area writing down list to do for today. It is very essential for high school students and college students like me because it can remind me to stay on track and know what I have to do today which I can easily do the reflection afterward.

  1. Keep Yourself Busy All the Time:

this means when you know what to do, just do it without procrastinating. Example, if you have an assignment to do and it is due next week, just break it into the structure and accomplish it one by one from day today. So you will find yourself less free and focus on what you are doing.

  1. Try Not to Sleep too much:

of course, sleep too much is like you invest your valuable time on nothing. Everyone needs to sleep, but none of them sleep like a homeless. Here is some the list of successful people sleep routine:

  • Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX: 6 hours (1 am — 7 am)

  • Tim Cook, CEO of Apple: 7 hours (9:30 pm — 4:30 am)

  • Bill Gates, Co-Founder of Microsoft: 7 hours (12 am — 7 am)

  • Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group: 5–6 hours (12–5/6 am)

  • Jack Dorsey, Co-founder of Twitter: 7 hours (10:30 pm — 5:30 am)

  • Tim Armstrong, Chairman, and CEO of AOL: 6 hours (11 pm — 5 am)

  • Barack Obama, Former President of the U.S.: 6 hours (1 am — 7 am)

  • Jeff Bezos, Founder & CEO of Amazon.com: 7 hours (10 pm — 5 am)

(Visit this link for full article) https://medium.com/@andrewmerle/the-sleep-routines-of-successful-people-35d847249ce1

  1. Find Role Model and Use Their Quote to Encourage Yourself

It is important that when you find your role model and use their quote to inspired and motivated you to attain your goal. Whenever you felt down or lost motivation, you will quickly remind yourself with your role model quote and their storyline.


(Visit this website for all the great quote)


5.Create Good Activities into Good Habits

When you stop wasting your time on your bed by scrolling or watching stuff, that is a very good start of creating a good activity. The more you repeat that activity, the better chances you will pick up a good habit. I can tell it is always easy to say and hard to put in into action, but trust me as long as you have a strong commitment, we can do it.

  1. Stay Close to Busy People and Learn from Them

This means if you want to make yourself busy like do more assignments and play fewer video games, you are probably trying to suit yourself in a work environment. When you can stay close and connect with busy people, that is a great opportunity for you to learn, ask and absorb from them. Busy people usually achieve what they want like one of my friends he is very busy person and he always have tasks to do. Even when he already had school works and project in his hands, he still manages to finish it. The reason is he used all of his spare time to work on it and finally he became an ambassador of academic peers.

  1. Do a Review and make a Reflection from What You Accomplished today

This part is the most important point for me because I usually do a reflection after I had done whole-day activities. To do this, you simply ask yourself a few questions to admire your dedication and commitment like “what have you accomplished, what have you learnt from today, what made you happy or unhappy, what should you improve to make better decisions if you face that dilemma once again, etc.”. It is your choice if you want to write it down on your journal book or whatever. It will boost you energy to accomplish more for tomorrow.

  1. Write Your Plan Tomorrow 

For this last point, it is about to steal your 10-15mns from using social media for nothing to plan what you need to accomplish for tomorrow. So, you enhance your mindset energetically and define your direction clearly what you are going to do for the following day.


You can start to change from small thing and do it repeatedly. Soon or later, you will see yourself create a good habit from your attitude. Moreover, it is not easy to do unless you have strong commitment.

Thanks for your valuable time reading this. Hopefully, these can help you overcome your laziness.

Let me know “how you beat your laziness?” so we share idea with each other.

Best of luck

Words can change someone’s life….

Most people all over the world confront various problems, me as well. Those always haunt us every single day and night, making us afraid of the darkness, stay late night by overthinking unnecessary stuff. «Depression» is the main bacteria which leads to being a major problem in our life such as suicide.It can, in fact, change the world. Life is 10% if what happens to you the remaining 90% is how you react to it.How do we able to defend ourselves against those??? Let’s get out of these viruses together by following the step below

1. Define your mission and goals in life: In this point, you will be told to plan your tasks in diary life means to prioritize and do the most important things first. Preparation is the action or the process of prepare something. Surely, As soon as you clarify what you what you’re really for your life, you will sacrifice or do everything to archive it.Asking yourself a few questions is to alert from the laziness, In order not to procrastinate yourself. There are numerous questions which are picked to remind you what you really want. This is one of those to criticize yourself. What will you able to do tomorrow? Whenever you ask yourself, you will be guided out of the darkness in the gloomy future.

2.To Build yourself confidences: Even though you’re not self-sufficient motivation, you yourself must be influenced. You will be asking «HOW?». How can you gain yourself confident? You ought to clarify what you are good at, prefer to do recently and put most your attention on. Sometimes you also need someone like your close friend or best friend confer about a plan of your action.Not all of them provide a pleasant reason to urge you building confidence.

3.To Learn from people who’re working hard: you might or might not hear about the behind story that they become a successful person. If you really want to figure out the what makes them so powerful and omnipotent. The way you learn how to solve and believe in yourself is the way you yourself sharp for gashing all pessimism. Some people are working harder day by day, minute by minute owing to their big dream and incredible goal. They also believe that they will pay off. Don’t make it temporary, make it permanent.

4.To think no one perfect: NO ONE, perfect, is due to they are all trying to be better than someone they are comparing. I just want you to consider yourself; what did you do yesterday? How to make you today better than you yesterday? You won’t have time to compare yourself to other like you used to. If you think you are going to be the perfect one day, let think for who?? Yessss, for your family. No need to be perfect for everyone on the earth. Don’t be too good and too smart. Not only you are give applause but also mock.